MEMORIAL DAY: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
FOURTH OF JULY: Customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day.
LABOR DAY: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
VETERANS DAY: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
THANKSGIVING DAY: Customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day. Our customer service center will be closed until Monday.
CHRISTMAS EVE: Service will be provided as usual.
CHRISTMAS: Customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day.
NEW YEAR’S EVE: Service will be provided as usual.
NEW YEAR’S: Customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day.
ALL OTHER HOLIDAYS: Regular Operating Schedule. This list is subject to change due to changes in disposal facilities’ schedules; should changes occur, this page will be updated as soon as possible.
CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION: Christmas trees will be collected the first two weeks in January. Please check with your management office for instructions. We ask that all tinsel and decorations be removed. Please do not place trees in plastic bags.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: The safety of our team and your community is our primary concern. Roads and/or areas which are deemed unsafe due to snow or ice will be suspended for collection. If suspension occurs, services will resume on the next regularly scheduled collection day. Please visit our homepage, Facebook, twitter or sign up for our alerts for inclement weather announcements.

MEMORIAL DAY: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
FOURTH OF JULY: Customer service center is closed and no services will be provided.
Trash services will resume on your next regularly scheduled trash collection day.
If your ONLY recycling collection falls on this day, recycling collection will occur on Wednesday, otherwise recycling service will resume on your next regularly scheduled recycling collection day
LABOR DAY: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
VETERANS DAY: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
THANKSGIVING DAY: Customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If trash collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day unless notified by your community manager. If trash or recycling collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day unless notified by your community manager. Our customer service center will be closed until Monday.
CHRISTMAS EVE: Service will be provided as usual.
CHRISTMAS: Our customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If trash collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day unless notified by your community manager. If trash or recycling collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day unless notified by your community manager.
NEW YEAR’S EVE: Service will be provided as usual. Our customer service center will be closed.
NEW YEAR’S: Our customer service center is closed and no services will be provided. If trash collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day unless notified by your community manager. If trash or recycling collection falls on this day, your service will resume on your next scheduled service day unless notified by your community manager.
ALL OTHER HOLIDAYS: Regular Operating Schedule. This list is subject to change due to changes in disposal facilities’ schedules; should changes occur, this page will be updated as soon as possible.
CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION: Christmas trees will be collected the first two weeks in January. Place your trees out for collection on your normal yard debris day; if you do not typically have separate yard debris collection please check with your management office for instructions. We ask that all tinsel and decorations be removed. Please do not place trees in plastic bags.
YARD DEBRIS season officially ends December 24th. If you have yard debris to be collected after this date, place your items curbside on your 2nd collection day of the week until the season resumes the 1st week of March.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: The safety of our team and your community is our primary concern. Roads and/or areas which are deemed unsafe due to snow or ice will be suspended for collection. If suspension occurs, services will resume on the next regularly scheduled collection day. Please visit our homepage, Facebook, twitter or sign up for our alerts for inclement weather announcements.
We are here to help. Do you have a question, concern, or would like to be added to our mailing list? Please fill out the information below and we will get back to you.