Inclement Weather Updates

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Greetings Trash Away Clients,

As many of you are aware, the East Coast has been reaching record breaking temperatures; and, for the safety of our valued employees and being able to maintain highly efficient and safe services, please be aware that you may experience a delay in services for trash, recycling, yard waste and/or bulk pick up.

We encourage our employees to practice safe measures in making sure they are properly hydrated, taking efficient breaks and reducing overexertion while being in the elements.

Trash Away will do everything possible to minimize the inconvenience and will service your properties as quickly as possible. However, You may experience some inconvenience during this period, and we thank you for your understanding and patience.

If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call at 703-339-4560 or email us at [email protected]

Thank you
Cheryl Freeman


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